Protect Yourself Against Check Washing and Check Scraping


The infographic below outlines check washing and check scraping techniques. Download and share this graphic with your business partners and employees to help them be better prepared.




Now that you are armed with this information, it’s time to take steps to ensure you have strong check printing security in place. Our MICR printers are enhanced with 16+ security features and provide world-class protection. Each printer includes MICR Toner Secure. Featuring patented technology, this toner releases a red dye when alteration is attempted, making it the World’s Most Secure MICR Toner. To add even more security, use either blank or preprinted check stock. This allows you to print sensitive information, like payee and amount, when needed. 

Contact us at 304-232-0899 or email and a member of our team will be in touch.



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