Tendances TROY

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TROY et HP célèbrent 30 ans de partenariat 

HP, one of the world’s leading technology companies, has had a long-standing partnership with TROY Group, Inc., a company specializing in secure document management solutions...

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Featured Secure Printing for Check Fraud Protection | TROY Group

Download full report here: BAI’s New Executive Report on Fraud Features TROY

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TROY Group, Inc. and Konica Minolta Collaborate to Deliver Unique Production Print Solution for Anti-Tamper Payments

The leaders in MICR payment solutions and in production printing have combined forces to produce a unique MICR production printer enabled with anti-tamper consumables. Together,..

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FlexPay - Solution de paiement numérique pour QuickBooks | TROY Group

TROY’s FlexPay software provides convenient options for SMBs using QuickBooks to pay their invoices by printed or digital check or by ACH and now includes a 30-day free trial..

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Olive Oil & Prescription Affordability: Health & Wellness Partners

Canonsburg, PA. (September 29, 2022) – Pasolivo (Paso Robles, CA.), an award-winning olive oil purveyor, announces today a partnership with OptionRx (Canonsburg, PA.), a..

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Attraper la licorne HCAHPS

Une note HCAHPS parfaite est la licorne des soins de santé. Pour obtenir une note de cinq étoiles, tout doit se mettre parfaitement en place. Le patient doit aimer son prestataire et..

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Transparence des prix hospitaliers pour tous

L'opération du genou de Walter Spolum, 75 ans, en 2016, a semblé radicalement différente en juin 2018, lors de sa deuxième opération du genou. Le forgeron à la retraite a subi une...

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